Mount Olivet

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Moments of Meaning: Diane Dickmeyer


Why do you do what you do? What inspires you, and what keeps you going?

I work for Robbinsdale Community Ed and primarily develop adult enrichment classes and special events.  I am also currently President of the Seven Dreams Education Foundation, which is a non-profit supporting the schools. I enjoy developing relationships and helping connect others. I am energized by building community and working with people to create something unique. I especially love the creative aspect in developing new things – I’m most proud right now of the “Who Are Our Neighbors” series which is a monthly session highlighting a different culture or group in our community. I am a “connector”.  I enjoy listening to others and finding ways to connect them with the things that I do.  It’s amazing what can come out of chance conversations. A good example is the “Songs of Hope & Freedom” event from a few years ago, that paired the Mount Olivet Chancel Choir with choirs from the schools to learn more about the history of the spirituals that we sing. I just want to be a good neighbor and encourage others to do the same.

What is hard about your life? How do you handle the tough parts?

I am now an empty nester, with all the kids working or in school.  The hardest thing is living this part of my life alone - my husband Ron died 4 years ago, and I am getting used to a new normal in my life.  Fortunately, I have a wonderful group of friends that surround me, and I joined choir at church a few years ago.  I have always loved music and just enjoy being part of that wonderful group. Giving back to the community is also important to me -  I volunteer both for the Seven Dreams Education Foundation, as well as for Blues Brews ‘n BBQ.  I thrive on keeping busy.

Where is God in your life? How does being a part of MO influence you?

My faith is what has kept me going, especially during the many years of Ron’s illness.  I am grateful that faith has been part of my life as long as I can remember. That certainly doesn’t mean that I don’t have moments of doubt, but God has held me up so many times. I have been a member at Mt Olivet for 30 years and watched the church evolve.  I really love that I clearly understand our mission, and I support the focus that we have right now on our community.  The “Who Are Our Neighbors” series that I coordinate came out of many conversations that we had here at church as well as other places.