Lead Pastor Call Committee Update #1

The Call Committee has met three separate times so far in this process. We have met with Pastor Craig Pederson from the ELCA Minneapolis Area Synod who helped us understand our roles as a committee, and how we will determine the best fit for our Lead Pastor position. Pastor Beth has expressed interest in this position and feels called to become the Lead Pastor for Mount Olivet; her candidacy will be considered prior to any discussion or interview with other candidates. That said, we will still follow the typical call process to ensure we have a common understanding of the Ministry Site Profile, Lead Pastor position description and expectations of a Lead Pastor.

We are currently in the midst of completing the Ministry Site Profile (The MSP is a comprehensive report profiling our congregation that potential candidates can review: who we are, demographics, mission/vision/identity, leadership needs, etc.), and will be finished by the end of March.

Pending completion of the MSP we will begin the interview process in April.

The Call Committee will continue to be open and transparent with where we are in this process, with the exception of needed confidentiality. Updates will be posted on the blog regularly. Look for a more detailed letter sent next week, in the meantime you can learn more about the Call Committee, and Call Process timeline on the website.

Kirsten Freiborg
Kirsten Freiborg

-Kirsten FreiborgCall Committee Communications