
The Story of the Advent Concert

As a 1999 Luther College graduate, I can safely say my absolute favorite week of each school year was the one after Thanksgiving: a week where I’d spend 20+ hours rehearsing for Luther’s JULETIDE Christmas concerts.

Carpooling back to campus, still stuffed with turkey, we’d pull-up shortly before the rehearsal each group had been prepping for all fall – the FIRST rehearsal with EVERYONE in the huge Center for Faith and Life.

Each choir would wear their carefully selected matching shirts. We’d sing through the concert from top to bottom, privileged to be the first to hear all the hard work from the other groups.

The most magical moment of the evening was when a petite figure almost glowing with joy would step to the podium, eyes wide and smile even wider.  Nearly 800 students stopped all we were doing to rehearse the candlelight hymn under the direction of the one and only Weston Noble.

In my first years at Mount Olivet, talk of a Christmas concert caught my attention. So, in 2008, a group of 12 formed to plan and produce our very first Advent Concert at Mount Olivet.  It was entitled Tell Me the Story of Jesus and featured 2 bands, adult choir, small ensembles, soloists, children’s choir, youth choir, handbells, narrator (Thad Lightfoot!) and a drama team. Phew!

 As the congregation sang the words of Away in a Manger during our own candle-lighting, my heart skipped a beat as I remembered Weston and Luther College and all those have inspired my love for sacred music.

I am so very grateful to Pastor Beth and the whole Mount Olivet faith community for embracing the idea of an Advent concert and celebrating the ways music continues to bring us together!

Soli Deo Gloria


P.S. Check out the photos from this year’s Advent Concert HERE, or watch it online HERE.